Purchase a coupon for a specific product.
- Purchase a coupon for a specific product Eg. 1-hour Tubing or a 4-hour Snow Pass
- Coupons are only redeemable against the product stated on the coupon
- Coupons are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated. The validity period cannot be extended from this date
- Coupons can be redeemed online, or at Snowplanet on the date of your visit
- Snowplanet requires bookings for certain coupons Eg. Lessons. Snowplanet may not have availability for your product and reserves the right to refuse redemption unless a prior booking has been made.
Get a Snowplanet monetary gift voucher.
- Snowplanet monetary gift vouchers can be used against snow activities, retail purchases and in the Snowplanet 7 Summits Restaurant & Bar. Eg. Purchase a $20 or $60 voucher
- If you do not spend the full value of the gift voucher, gift vouchers will be provided as change to the nearest dollar
- Gift vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated.